Makeover - Day 6

Welcome! I woke early to the sound of a large crane fishing in the pond outside my room after a comfortable nights sleep at Paradise Point! Relaxed last night in the hot tub to wind down, gaze at the stars, and listen to a plethora of birds. Deciding to do this makeover while traveling may have not been the greatest idea...not that I will eat out or sabotage my health, but posting and updating my website is one more task that takes time away from vacation! I snagged a cup of coffee at 6:30am from the lobby coffee bar and took a long walk around the resort and Mission Bay. After an hour I made it back to my room and food!

Breakfast 8:30am: Quick oats soaked in hot water from the in-room coffee maker, topped with blueberries and stevia. Two roasted Russets. This delicious breakfast is filling, cost very little compared to what I may have found at a restaurant.

Lunch 1:00pm: Spent the afternoon exploring Balboa Park and wandered the automotive and aviation museum. First time visit and knew I didn't scratch the surface on sights to see. Packed goodies and feasted on a large roasted Yam, veggie bag, steamed brown rice with sliced cherry tomatoes, and an apple.

Snack 2:30pm: Next up was a visit to Hotel Del Coronado during their 130 year anniversary.  While gazing at the hotel and hearing the beach behind me I enjoyed a small mixed berry sorbet ($7! from the hotel ice cream shop). Love this place! Wandered the town afterwards, window shopped, and found a New York style bakery - snacked on a couple of pumpernickel bagels and an apple I had with me. Before leaving I found a small Mexican restaurant and picked up some salsa for dinner.

Dinner 7:00pm: Baked corn tortillas and salsa, baby carrots, 2 roasted Russet potatoes with mustard, and another pumpernickel bagel. Don't typically eat much helped to fill in my need for starches and calories.