Makeover - Day 7

Welcome! Day 7 began at 6:00am after a very restful nights sleep at my hotel. I have included a photo of my bungalow - this view is from the walking path across the pond outside the large living/sleeping space window. My quick getaway has been very relaxing and rejuvenating! Stress management and getting more rest is always a top goal for me and these few days have helped! Took one last long walk around the bay this morning and learned my 11:49am flight has been delayed to 3:28pm so that means a couple more hours to explore San Diego today. I can handle that! :)

Breakfast 8:30am: Soaked quick oats with lemon zest, blueberries, stevia, and 2 roasted Russet potatoes. Had 2 small cups of in-room coffee early on, one while walking.

Lunch/Snack bag: Packed up goodies for the rest of the day. I land in Salt Lake at 6:24pm so may have to fill in somewhere with a salad. Have 3 roasted Russets, large roasted yam, steamed rice topped with corn/bean medley and salsa, baby carrots, sliced cucumber, green pepper, cherry tomatoes, bit more brown rice, pumpernickel bagels, and an apple. This should tide me over for most of the day.