Makeover Challenge - Day 4

Welcome! I paid dearly for my caffeine infused tea at lunch yesterday...didn't fall asleep until 2am! My day off splurge reminded me that my system cannot handle caffeine very well. Woke at 7am today feeling sluggish - my black/green tea and treadmill duo jump started my heart and boosted my spirits. Endorphin rush in hand, I headed to a local park (Memory Grove for any Utah peeps) and hiked for half an hour. The blooms, honeysuckle and lilac perfumed the air and further raised my mood. Weighed in at a steady 145 - time to up my game for any further weight loss this week!

Workout 8:00am: 30-minutes on the treadmill, 2.6 speed and 10 incline + 30-minute trail hike.

Breakfast 10:00am: Oatmeal (1/2 c dry) topped with 4 large strawberries, lemon zest, stevia, and soy milk. Plate of water fried hash browns with hot sauce and sea salt.

Lunch 1:00pm: Due at work soon and needed a bit more sustenance to hold me over. Duplicated my oatmeal & strawberries meal from tasty! Added an ACV tonic and a Roma tomato.

Snack/Dinner graze sack: Packed 4 small roasted Yukon golds with mustard and relish packet, an apple, one banana, veggie bag (1/2 red pepper, 2 carrots, 1/2 cucumber), jam sandwich (Jack Spratt bread with 2 T. fruit only raspberry spread), and a steamed brown rice (1/3 c.) topped with frozen corn/black bean medley (1/2 c.). I'll dine my way through these items between client appointments later today.

Also, I fly out for a 2-night relaxation getaway to lovely San Diego tomorrow afternoon (mega stress management!) and am food prepping for my trip. Traveling with most of my own food saves money, time, and is an investment in good health. I stay at the Paradise Point Resort; my Lanai room has a small fridge and coffee maker so eating in and/or poolside will be a snap. So far I have put together oatmeal bags and lemon zest for breakfast (have 2 pints of blueberries for topping), 2 packets instant grits, steamed brown rice, apples, raw veggies (baby carrots, red pepper, cucumbers, green pepper), 3 large roasted yams, and 6 roasted Russets. I will fill in at the resort with salads and other vegetable dishes as needed. Keep an eye on the next few posts for photos!