Free Webinar, Thursday Dec. 13th - Register Now!

I first learned about Dr. John McDougall while watching the film Forks Over Knives. Soon after I read Dr. McDougall’s book, The Starch Solution, and I decided to adopt his whole foods plant based no oil way of eating. Within 10-days I felt an enormous difference, my life and state of health was transformed. I rid myself of expensive prescription medications within just a few months. How you might ask? With diet alone I lowered my cholesterol, significantly reduced arthritis and joint replacement pain, and stabilized my blood pressure. Plus, I have lost, and kept off, over 25 pounds! Prior to this way of eating I had followed many different ‘diets’…gluten free, Paleo, eat for your blood type, the Mediterranean diet, fasting, Atkin’s, the list could go on and on. Each of those plans failed miserably for me. The Starch Solution has been my solution!

Have you wondered how a plant based diet might help you? Skeptical? Curious? Have questions? Meet Dr. McDougall for yourself this Thursday during his bimonthly webinar series. Register here. If you can’t make the live broadcast you can also register for the replay.

Title: Dr. McDougall interviews Neal D. Barnard, M.D., F.A.C.C.,

Description: Dr. Neal D. Barnard is a physician, clinical researcher, author, and an adjunct associate professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Be Well! ~Tiffany
